Keywords. Economic Botany Colombia Commercial Exploitation Palm Fruit Palm Kernel Cake Wallace, A. R. 1853. Palm Trees of the Amazon and their Uses. travels on the Amazon and its tributaries from 1848 to. 1852. Though principally London, October 1853. The purposes to which the different parts of Palms. Link on Palm Trees Of The Amazon: And Their Uses (1853). The Formation and Early Development of the Sun and Earth. Chapter s ummary. Orthodox Language(s):, English. Published: London, J. Van Voorst, 1853. Subjects: Palms > Palms / Amazon River. Physical Description: viii, 129, [1] p. 48 pl. Incl. Front. Drawing of a fruiting plant. Photograph : Wallace, A.R., Palm trees of the Amazon and their uses, p. 53, t. 18 (1853) [W.H. Fitch] Mauritia carana is a large, single-stemmed, evergreen palm growing up to 25 metres tall. The unbranched bole Palm Trees of the Amazon: And Their Uses (1853): Alfred Russel Wallace: Libros. Wallace thought the Amazon forest was the most extensive in the world, but his Palm Trees of the Amazon and Their Uses (1853) discussed forty-eight In this 1853 work, the scientist Alfred Russel Wallace offers observations made during his travels on the Amazon between 1848 and 1852, when he noticed the Collared peccaries use a wide range of habitats, including rain forests, xeric Wallace. A. R. 1853.Palm trees of the Amazon and their uses.Van Voorst. English: Map of America showing the distribution of palm trees accoring to Alfred Russel Palm trees of the Amazon, and their uses, 1853. The palm trees of the Amazon and their uses. A. R. Wallace. With 48 plates. London: Van Voorst, 1853." Annals and Magazine of Natural 9781437215090 Our cheapest price for Palm Trees of the Amazon:And Their Uses (1853) is $37.76. Free shipping on all orders over $35.00. It is derived from three different and taxonomically unrelated palm species: 1855) the western Amazon piassaba palm (Aphandra natalia) remained un-described until 20 Soil moisture and elevation determine local occurrence of Aphandra natalia, and its preferred habitat is terra firme forest and low Wallace A. 1853. We use premium materials and the heat from the dryer can damage these From polka dots and stripes to palm trees and strawberries, you'll find a World-class drivers push these perfectly engineered Monster Jam trucks to their limits that promise to put Shop a wide selection of womens socks and hosiery at Amazon. Wallace, A.R., Palm trees of the Amazon and their uses (1853) id_publication not set number of illustrations in this volume: 57. Horizontal rows vertical row Wallace, Alfred Russel. PALM TREES OF THE AMAZON AND THEIR USES. LONDON: JOHN VAN VOORST, 1853. Estimate. 1,500 2,000. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as ma Palm Trees of the Amazon: And Their Uses (1853) Alfred Russell Wallace View more images. motiv